Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Move...

We are all moved in! I am so excited about the new house! It is in a great neighborhood, with young couple and children, it is bigger and has a nice room for the baby (where we may be able to fit a bed for the grandma's when they come and visit). We are close to several amenities, including stores, restaurants, parks and public transportation!
We moved on Saturday and I probably lifted too many boxes then a Dr. would have liked me to, but I felt great. I actually have not felt any nausea for several days! I was beat at the end of the day. I put two pillows under my feet and Jason gave me a back massage and I felt better.
I took yesterday (Monday) off to unpack some more and we are pretty much unpacked!!!! It feels like home already.
Jason's commute has been reduced by 20 min/day (when his office moves to Victoria, it will be even less) and I also will reduce 20min of my commute! Which now is great for Vinny but it will be nice towards the end of my pregnancy and also have Jason home faster to help!
On Friday, during the day I was loving the idea of having pizza (I saw an advert on TV, so I don't know if you can consider it as a craving!) so Jason took me to an Italian restaurant next to our new home. I at 3/4 of a (big) pizza!!! Jason was laughing, since I am not a 'pizza kinda person' and for me to ask for pizza - just being pregnant. He is loving it!
There is definitely a little bump starting to show.... it is not that apparent yet, since I am still hidden in winter cloths (it is still cold here in the UK) but I have noticed it! I can't wait for the summer... to enjoy the warm weather and show of my bump. That is if I have a nice bump, since I may also just blow up and look like a fat person. (I guess with all the celebrity pregnancies out there, you expect to look like that, but it is not really realistic! Oh well, give me a healthy and happy baby and I am pleased!)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Darn hormones...

Today was another day that the hormones kicked in and I did not feel that well in the morning. But it seems that if I constantly snack, it makes me feel better.... God knows what size I'll end up!
Tomorrow I'll be 10 weeks along. We will take 'belly' pictures and post them later.
We are moving tomorrow and I may not be able to post for a while (it depends in how fast we'll get broadband installed).

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Kicking the habit.

Yesterday was not a good tummy day! And then today I just snacked all day to avoid feeling the same and now I feel full! I haven't gained any weight so far, even though I am clearly eating more and working out less. I guess the empty calories from the alcohol I used to drink are compensating with the extra food I am eating now.... Again, not that I drank every day, but I did like my glass of wine and cocktail (caipirinha!) on the weekends.
I am also trying to opt for healthy snacks like dried apples or apricots, Bran cereal, fruit, veggies, etc. and I have no desire in white chocolate anymore (which is something I ate pretty much every day before!)
At least one positive of this 'morning sickness' is that I kicked the habit of chewing gum. I had actually made it a newyears resolution to reduce the amound of gum I was chewing and in the first couple of weeks when I was sick, I chewed gum to try to feel back and now I have developed a 'food aversion' to it!
Two more days before we move. I am excited about going to a new home, where we'll have a nice space for a nursery, but the whole moving thing is always stressful and demands so much work. I am taking friday afternoon and monday off to avoid forcing myself to do everything on saturday and sunday (I know myself... and I would try to do it all!)

Monday, February 19, 2007


This is our first scan.... with 7.5 weeks. It 's difficult to see, but the black banana shape is the gestational sac. The little greyish 'three conecting balls' is the baby and the yolk. The left 'bubble' is the 'yolk sac' (where the baby get's all it's nutrients from before the placenta becomes functionable). The 'bubble' in the middle is the little heart that was beating away. I know it does not seem much and you can't really make out any baby of this, but I get tears to my eyes just looking at it again!
Today I scheduled our 12week scan. It will be on march 15th (I'll be 12weeks and 6days)

Liesbet's e-mail

And an e-mail from my littles sister:

Que linda tu está, e o vinny também... e tudo evoluindo.. uma tia muito contente te manda milhares de beijos!

Anita send the following message:

I'm delighted your boss is going to let you be a Lounger at the Dog show. I know you'll miss some of the fun but you have such a precious little bundle to think of and you are doing it right. Your family comes first!! She sounds very understanding. I'm so proud of you that you have made that much of an impact on the European scene but then you are are very special
We had Tasha, a Cockapeakapoo, when I was pregnant for Jason. She used to rest her head on my lap, the same way Vinny does to you, and she would jump every time the baby would kick her!! IT was so cute. Just make sure you treat Vinny to a special introduction with baby and he will protect your bundle to the best of his ability.

Another sweet e-mail from my mom....

Allerliefste Anneke en allerliefste babietje van Anne en Jason,]

Hier in Brazilie is iedereen zich aan het klaarmaken voor karnaval...het feest van het jaar....Ward is vertrokken naar Porto Belo maar wij blijven thuis...jaja liefste baby dat staat jou te wachtern ..leren samba dansen maar dat zal je mama wel leren en je papa is ook een geboren danser..dus dat zit excellent. Mama Anne kent deze dagen wel hoe intens dat er dan gevierd word....en je tante Liesbet is geboren op de zondag van karnaval en op 14 februari..dus hier heb je heel wat familie die je zullen inwijden en wegwijs maken in dit speciale braziliaanse feest... Je mama Anne is wat ongerust..maar ik weet dat je een goed nestje hebt daarbinnen en dat je heel goed je best zal doen om daar lekker binnen te
blijven en te groeien en als je dan een flinke baby bent dan kom je je laten zien aan je papa(die je al vol ongeduld aan het opwachten is) en aan ons allemaal en je oma Fanny wil als de eerste erbij zijn om je te zien..dat moet ik wel nog eens bespreken met je mama en je papa......liefste babietje geniet maar goed van het zwembadje bij mama..perfecte temperatuur...en van daarbinnen kan je dan luisteren naar de stem van je papa ...Vinny haar
gesnurk..jew mama die verteld over al het lekkere eten dat er bestaat voor hondjes...en die heel veel weet hoor..en je heel veel mooie verhaaltjes zal vertellen....soms zal je ze wel in een ander taaltje horen babbelen...dan het taaltje dat ze gebruikt om tegen je papa te babbelen en dan weer nog een ander taaltje...maar daar wen je wel aan......maar nestel je maar gezellig
en maak je maar geen zorgen.. je mama zal zich wel goed verzorgen dat je niks tekort komt..dat weet ik...en je papa zal ook alles doen om je mama te verwennen en jou ook...dat weet ik ook..ja oma´s weten zulke dingen...en dat maakt oma gerust dat er zoveel liefde rond jou is dat alles heel goed zal verlopen...
Dus Anneke, rust maar goed...alles komt dik inorde..slaap maar op uw twee oren (zo zeggen ze dat in Belgie)probeer dat maar eens maar lig er niet de ganse nacht van wakker van het proberen he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zoentjes voor jullie drietjes...en een aaike voor Vinny he

Friday, February 16, 2007

Telling the boss

9 Weeks....
Today I finally told my boss. I had asked for a meeting at 9am (without a subject) so when we were in the room, she was clearly tense. I said I was pregnant and she just smilled, gave me two kisses (very french) and said she was happy that that was the news since she tought I was resigning! The main reason I told her is because in 3 weeks I will be going to Crufts (the biggest dog show in the world, with more then 26000 dogs!) and I am supposed to be the nutritional advisor on two days, which means standing from 7 to 7 and I should not be doing that. The plan has been changed and I still will go, however I will sit in the 'lounge' (Purina has a huge stand there that will have several areas, including a 'lounge' where we serve coffee and cake to breeders) and when nutritional advice is needed, they'll call me.I also got a letter today from the midwives that will be seeing me from now on. And they booked my 12 week scan, which is exactly when I will be at Crufts. Hopefully it is okay to reschedule, otherwise I will defininetly not go to Crufts! Our baby is my priority!
Several times this week, Vinny had to be 'removed' from of our room during the night. I have not been sleeping well, eventhough I am exhausted, and I wake up to go to the toilet at least 2 times during the night. Vinny has been snoring quiet a bit, so in the middle of the night, when I can't sleep due to his snoring, I remove his bed (and him in it) to the hallway. I feel bad, but I really need my sleep! (I doubt he even notices anything... he sleeps aroung 20hrs a day - I am so jeaulous!)

Thursday, February 15, 2007


First set of pictures of my belly..... not much yet, but our little 'cereja com coracao' (cherry with a heart) is in there!

Anita's e-mail

An e-mail from Anita:
Soooooooooo. I just finished with the updates and like you, Fanny's lettter
brought me to tears. I can't wait to enjoy the pleasures she has had with her family!!!! PRobably as much as you can't wait to have the baby here. But, it does take 9 months to get ready for this little bundle of joy!!!!! and yes there is a resason for that!!!

Well, it seems the blog has not been that popular with the grandma's... I guess they are busy. At least it is a place where I can write and hopefully my son/daughter will enjoy it when they are older.
I am still a little paranoid with the misscariage thing...eventhough my mom guaranteed that neither her, my grandma nor my sister have ever had any problems. It is still a worry and readying about it (online) does not help! I was going to tell my boss tomorrow, since we have a conference in a couple of weeks and I am expected to work from 7 to 7 for two days, and I may not have the energy, but then today I heard there is still a big chance of misscariage from week 9 (which is what I will be tomorrow) until the first ultrasound (around week 12).
Jason has been so sweet. Yesterday was valentine, and normally we just don't celebrate it (mkt BS). But he got me a beautiful rose, white chocolate and sparkling lemonade (instead of champagne!) He has, voluntarily, given me back rubs every night and makes sure we have sparkling water at home! I can't wait to give birth to his son or daughter!
pregnancy calendar

Monday, February 12, 2007

Fanny to Jason

My mom wrote the e-mail below to Jason:
Jason you are going to be a fantastic daddy...I´m already dreaming about having you all three here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine you and the baby and Anne in the Brazilian sun coming from cold London...and ofcourse the baby is going to be your special magic mascot that every flight and every trip and every moment in the future is going to be without problems and if there is a problem the baby will smile to you and you will forget the problem...or you will resolve the problem with more strength .or you will look to your beatifull baby and get the power to face every problem...the magic of being a father..a parent is going to make you a more powerfull man...happier...deep happyness...the power of the love for your baby is going to give you wings....is going to give you the ingridients to feel as a deep happy man....and nothing can break this magic love...the power of that love is going to give you other eyes...you will look different....see the collors brighter....your world is going to change to a very good direction....
I´m talking as an experient mother of four....a grandmother of almost 3 grandchildren...believe me...
take good care of yourself now .....take good care of the good father uou are going to be....
And I now that the baby is going to have the most lovely good caring mother...So this is going to be a very lucky baby with very lucky parents....and very lucky grandparents...
He had tears in his eyes afterwards. It's a beautiful message from my mom and it makes us realize more and more that there is indeed a little baby on it's way!

On saturday I slept 11 hours. It felt so good! We have been packing and cleaning and I have not been sleeping well, so a good night of sleep was very welcome!
Yesterday (sunday) I slept badly. Last night I started thinking of not feeling so sick, no cramps and more energy, my skin also broke out (which normally happens when I am about to get my period) So I was very affraid that maybe the baby's heart had stopped beating (I read online that sometimes the baby does not misscarry, but remains dead inside). There is really no way of knowing, until our scan in week 12.
Today I think I felt morning sickness, but I am not sure (It is almost if I have gotten used to feeling yukie in the moning). I am tired (however, I did not sleep well) I really don't know and will just have to wait.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Going out for dinner - a must!

We started packing today. I am excited to move to our new place (in 2 weeks). The nursery will have a perfect location (next to our room and looking over the garden) Hopefully we'll have place for a bed for the grandparents when they come and help us out!
I have not been sleeping well at night! I wake up at least 3 times to go to the bathroom and I also wake up with random pains and I have a hard time falling a sleep afterwards!
Sometimes I think there is so much to arrange, buy, learn and figure out before the baby arrives... but I try not to stress out about it! I guess everything will work out as it should. I think of all the times I had major changes in my life, which seemed so scary and uncertain, but it ended up working out! And now, I have Jason next to me to help me even more! (and let's not forget Vinny, who will be very helpful in cleaning the kitchen floor and the babies face and hands after a meal)
Yesterday, friday, I forced myself to make a reservation at a restaurant and go out with Jason and enjoy a nice meal. I guess I have been frustrated with just being so tired. I get home from work exhausted, make dinner, have dinner and fall asleep! I know it is normal, but I am a impatient person and I feel useless sometimes. Anyways, we did go to a french restaurant and had a very nice meal, however I was sooooo full! It seems that eating a normal portion just makes me feel uncomfortable, just like after you go to a rodizio de churrasco (tons of meat and good food)
Still waiting for the pregnancy glow to kick in, but I guess i still have to wait 4 weeks for that! I guess it's good testing my patience before having a little one!
pregnancy calendar

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Second scan

When we did our scan yesterday everything was normal. The size was normal for a 7 week and 4 day baby, the position was right and the heart beat was going strong.
Yesterday evening we went to our GP (general practicionar) to get enrolled in the ante natal programme. She filled out a form, which will be send to a midwife unit, whom will contact me in a couple of weeks. The standard, here in the UK, is to have 2 ultrasounds:
- one at 12 weeks, which is very extensive, measuring everything there is to measure (baby, tummy, hight, weight, etc) and do a full blood panel and urinalysis.
- the second and last one will be at 20weeks. This is when we can find out the sex of the baby. Now, if the baby has her/his legs crossed, we won't be able to know the sex until birth!!! (I still have a strong feeling it's a girl)
Besides these ultrasounds, I will have regular appointments with the midwife and gp. Unfortunately, because we are moving in two weeks I need to find a new GP. (here in Britain, healthcare is for free, however you need to go to the gp that is in your postal code) I do like Dr. Scott, but hopefully we get another good gp in Clapham Junction.
We will probably have the baby at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (which is where I have had the two other scans) which is a very nice and modern looking hospital!
The GP also adviced me to enroll in some maternity classes, which will teach us how to take care of the baby, pain managment during birth, etc...
It was snowing again today. It was so nice. I went to a meeting, in the english countryside, and it looked like Chirstmas! So beautiful!
Anyways, the grandma's have been very quiet. (I know grandma Fanny has her two other grandchildren visiting from Belgium and grandma Anita recently got back to work after some time off recovering from a surgery, but hopefully they enjoy these diaries as much as I am and hopefully our little one, one day will as well!)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


He/she is tiny... little over 1 cm but the heart was beating so fast and strong!!! this time is was my turn to cry!

Spilling the beans...

Good morning!
Today is our second scan (this is just a follow-up from two weeks ago, when they suspected an ectopic pregnancy) I am so excited to see the little heart beart!!! This week she/he has been called 'raspberry com coracao'. I have still been feeling a 'little funny' but still have a good appetite and keeping the food down (yesterday I downed 8 cups of sparkling water!)
So far we have shared the great news with only a couple of our friends and direct family. We are planning to wait until mid march to tell the rest of the world about our joy. Unfortunately, Jason's best friend Scott, had a couple of drinks this weekend and told another friend of ours, Justin. Which I think is very inconsiderate, but Jason did some damage control, and hopefully Justin will keep it to himself. (and hopefully Scott doesn't drink too much again!) My mom confessed she also almost spilled the beans to one of my best friends. Mariana is a veterinarian and Liesbet is working there part time, and monday, my mom almost shared it with her, but luckily, she had not been drinking yet and remembered on time that Mariana did not know it yet!
My mom shared a very nice story with me yesterday. She talked about when she found out when she was pregnant with me (with a blood test) and how she had her first scan in Belgium (they lived in Brazil) when she went to visit her family, she was 4 months along. At the time they did not offer ultrasounds in Brazil. Coming to think of it, nowadays it seems much easier, from the home pregnancy tests to knowing the sex beforehand, however, the delivery, morning sickness and carying the big belly are still painful!
In a little over two weeks we will be moving! I am very excited about our new house. I can't wait to decorate the baby room, work on the garden and get all settled in before the baby arrives! Hopefully we'll have space for an extra bed in the baby room for when family comes out to visit (and help).
Got to go and get ready for the scan.
pregnancy calendar

Monday, February 05, 2007

My mom's letter!

The letter below is from my mom! It brought tears to my eyes!
Mom, THANK YOU! I can't wait to read (and translate) this to our child!
And also to Jason, since his flemish is limited to:
-duteke doen
-waar is het hondje
- twee pintjes astublieft

Liefste Anne-Jason babietje, kleine lieve WISDOM...

Nog zo klein en al zo geliefd....en dat is een liefdesgevoel dat altijd maar gaat groeien...en...dat weet je oma fanny want zo is het gegaan bij jouw mama Annelies..en mij...... ik was zo blij toen ik het doosje open deed waar de sokjes inzaten..met de boodschap...dat je aan het groeien bent in de buik van je mama....ik was ook blij toen ik uitvond dat ik zwanger was van
je mama... we gingen de test(bloedtest, toen bestonden die zelftestaparaatjes nog niet in Brazilie) ophalen juist voor we vertrokken op onze eerste vakantietrip in Brazilie met onze oude fusca (kusttrip Sap Paolo -Rio de Janeiro)........je opa Herman was blij en ik ook.. dus we vertrokken heel relaxed op verlof met het grote nieuws..we maakten plannen over jou..ik
vertelde tegen je tante karo dat ze een broertje of zusje ging krijgen om met haar te spelen pas nadat we van verlof terug kwamen heb ik een briefje gestuurd naar onze ouders (en dat duurde dan 10dagen en nog eens 10 dagen voor ik een antwoord had..niet te vergelijken met de communicatie middelen van nu en waarschijnlijk nog minder te vergelijken met de tijden als je ´groot´bent en je dit zelf zal lezenhihi)Het eerste wat ik fantaseerde over je mama was...hoe zal mijn babietje eruit zien...is het een meisje...een jongen.....en dan volgde direct de gedachte...wat telt is dat mijn babietje gezond gaat zijn.....en ik ga alles doen om mijn babietje gelukkig te maken....en soms zal ik er in lukken en soms niet...maar ik keek uit om mijn babietje..je mama...te zien lachen...te.zien kruipen...zien stappen..ga horen praten..en nu weet ik al dat je mama dat ook aan het denken is...maar ik weet al...hoe blij het mij gemaakt heeft en ik weet hoe blij jij me zal maken....als ik jou ga zien...dat ik alles ga doen om je blij te maken...dat ik je alle liefde ga geven om je te laten opgroeien als een gelukkig kindje...en dat ik er altijd zal zijn om je te helpen...en als je verdrietig bent dan is je oma Fanny er zeker voor jou....om je te zeggen dat na regen altijd zonneschijn komt.(een gezegde van je opa herman die altijd telt)...altijd..... ik ben zo blij dat je mama al die goeie gevoelens ..die blije gevoelens gaat voelen als je aan het groeien bent in haar buik en nadien als je geboren bent...en de gevoelens die haar soms wat onzeker maken...onrustig maken die zijn ook normaal maar je mama is heel flink...heel flink...en ik ben zo blij dat ze jouw papa heeft gekozen want het is een heel lieve ook heel fllinke papa die alles gaat doen om jou gelukkig te maken..vanaf nu gaan we elke dag blijer zijn met je komst en als je er bent gaan we elke dag blijer zijn met wat je al kan en doet ..en zo gaat dat blij zijn elke dag groeien en dat graag zien elke dag groeien..en dat noemen we dan echte LIEFDE....en die echte liefde die maakt zo gelukkig...gelukkig . gelukkig ...gelukkig ..... .en dat gelukkig zijn..door die grote LIEFDE....dat maakt iemand heel sterk...zo sterk .als een grote sterke boom ..die alle stormen aan kan....die groeit...die altijd maar groter en sterker word....Kleine lieve wisdom....je oma Fanny...en natuurlijk ook je opa Herman....gaan er alles voor doen om je te helpen gelukkig te zijn.....en je mama kan op mij steunen

pregnancy calendar

Sunday, February 04, 2007


4/11/07 - Sunday!
Weekends just go by faster now that I sleep so much! Overall I am feeling fine. I still have some nausea but it seems that if I am distracted (going for a walk with Jason and Vinny.. which is always fun! Reading, etc) it get's better, so maybe my mom is rigth about morning sickness being psycological... (I am sure there would be half a dozen of pregnant woman I know that would shoot me for saying this!) Yesterday we went to a soccer game and two pubs afterwards.. it feels weird not having a drink! Not that I miss it, but people who know me think it is weird too when I do' have a pint at a pub! They better get used to it!
Yesterday we also went to Battersea park to meet up with some friends and Vinny's girlfriend. There were so many children (all sizes) and it made me smile and think that we will soon have our little one!
Today we are having lunch with a friend and Jason wanted to go shopping for the little 'lentil com coracao' afterwards. I am still reluctant, since we are still in the 'critical phase' but I feel this baby is here to stay!!!!
Anita send an e-mail about grandmothers that I wanted to share (it is adorable):
  • Grandmothers are moms with lots of frosting. ~ Author Unknown
  • What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars' worth of pleasure. ~ Gene Perret
  • Grandmothers are just "antique" little girls. ~ Author Unknown
  • Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~ WelshProverb
  • A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead of the television. ~ Author Unknown
  • Never have children, only grandchildren. ~ Gore Vidal
  • Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. ~ Pam Brown
  • Grandchildren don't stay young forever, which is good because Granddaddies have only so many horsy rides in them. ~Gene Perret
  • Grandmother always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. ~ Marcy DeMaree
  • Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies. ~ Author unknown
  • Grandmothers hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. ~ Author Unknown
  • If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first. ~Lois Wyse
  • My grandkids believe I'm the oldest thing in the world. And after two or three hours with them, I believe it, too. ~ Gene Perret
  • If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice, I should advise every one of you straight away to become one. There is no fun for old people like it! ~ Hannah Whithall
  • It's such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother - that's why the world calls her grandmother. ~ Author Unknown
  • Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old. ~ Mary H.Waldrip
  • You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. ~Proverb
  • An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Anything longer than that, and you start to age quickly. ~ Gene Perret
  • The best baby-sitters, of course, are the baby's grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida . ~ Dave Barry
  • I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have - if only for self-defense. ~ Gene Perret
  • Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love. ~ Author Unknown
  • Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. ~ Alex Haley
  • Grandmother - a wonderful mother with lots of practice. ~ Author Unknown
  • A grandparent is old on the outside but young on the inside. ~ Author Unknown
  • One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather. ~ Joy Hargrove
  • It's amazing how grandparents seem so young once you become one. ~ Author Unknown
  • If your baby is "beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time," you're the grandma. ~ Teresa Bloomingdale
  • Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have Around and easily wrapped around the fingers of their grandchildren. ~ Author Unknown
  • What is it about grandparents that is so lovely? I'd like to say that grandparents are God's gifts to children. And if they can but see, hear and feel what these people have to give, they can mature at a faster rate.~ Bill Cosby
  • Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge that he's married to a grandmother. ~G. Norman Collie
I have added the 'baby ticker', which shows how the baby is progressing! It is soooooo interesting. There are a couple of websites that are great in explaining what is happening each week/day:



pregnancy calendar

Grandmother's first reactions

1/2/07 – I can’t believe it is already february.

A month ago we were coming back from Punta Del Este to Porto Alegre. (our baby was probably alread conceived by then!) Last week when we went to the emergency room, Jason had to cancel a meeting with his boss (who is the in the US and Jason just send him an e-mail cancelling) Well, today his boss asked if everything was okay with me and Jason said that I was fine and I just had some gas that was giving me pain on the side of my apendix…. Sounds funny, but I felt very embarrased! Jason bought to types of sparkling water for me today, since I mentioned how it helps me with the nausea! He also gave the idea to take a bottle in the morning on the train, which is when I always feel worst!

So here are some words of the grandma’s-to-be:

Grandma Fanny:

Happy...blij...blij.....heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel blij...heeeeeeeeeel gelukkig zo voelde ik mij toen ik snapte wat er bedoeld werd met het doosje en nu nog is het een heel speciaal geluksgevoel er aan te denken dat er een babietje komt van Anne en Jason...
Fantastic idea to write the diary....thanks Liefste Anneke that you want to share your feelings ..with us......When I started to read the diary..it felt like being pregnant again from you Anneke....together with you..very funny feelings!!!!!!!!!...this will be a great experience..thanks again ...I´m only trying to imagine witch language..but...like you said...our grandchild will have 4 natiuonalities..so I can write ´a la grandma Fanny´that means I can mix flemish..inglish and portuguese...and I´m not going to worry about mistakes(only a little bit) ...than the baby has a good excuse in the beginning ..starting writing...and Anne and Jason correcting the words...the baby can say..`but grandma Fanny writes this way!!!hihii`

Grandma Anita:

The first thing that went was the waist! I could not put on my jeans; this was only 2 weeks being late
(yes, I use to be much thinner!!). I worked at a dr office next to a lab and Steve joined me in getting the
test- it was positive!!! He couldn't talk for quite awhile, just sat there not saying a word- He was really blown
over by this!!! Thus began the journey of Jason!!!
It was close to Christmas and we bought 2 pair of booties, 1 pink and 1 blue, and sent one of each to
our Parents for Christmas, with names that we had chosen!!! I think I heard my Mother scream in CA
all the way from Massachusetts!!!! and she blubbered just as bad as Steve and I did when we opened
your package with the hats in it!!!! I've heard the first Grandchild is the most amazing thing that happens
and so far, it's great to be able to share!!!

I hope this diary will continue being a place where I can talk about everything that is going on and share it with two people I love and have been through similar situations! So, ladies, keep it coming! I loved both of your letters!!!

I can’t wait for it to be weekend to be able to sleep in – for who knows me, this is so not something I would normally say. When I met Jason (almost 5 yrs ago) I was sleeping around 4hrs every nigth (working too much and going to the gym like a freak) and now, I am already yawning in the shower after a 9 hr night of sleep!

Speaking of working out, I was running quite a bit last year and was planning to run a marathon this year, of course now I need to take it slower (luckily I did not get accepted for the London marathon!) But my goal is to run a marathon after this baby (not right after, I will give my body the chance to recover but I definitely would like to achieve that) I know it sounds funny to already start putting goals like that, but I like to set objectives and it feels so good when I achieve them! I have been walking and doing light weights, since the Dr. recommended to stay active! (Vinny is loving all the walks I take him on!)

I am very excited about the scan next week. I can’t wait to see the little heartbeat and ensure everything is fine! After the scan I am seeing my GP (general practicioner) whom will do a general health check and then direct me to a midwife, whom will accompany me throughout my pregnancy. Only when there are any complications will I see an Obgyn. Since it is for free, I can’t really complain!

Ups and downs

31/1/07 – This afternoon I felt really well! This morning, on the train to work, I felt again not so well, but it improved throughout the day. I have noticed that downing two glasses of sparkling water will help with the nausea! I spoke with my mom today about nausea, she mentioned that one of her friends said it has been discovered that morning sickness is actually psycological! I find it hard to believe, but I guess there are several ‘theories’ about the reason behind morning sickness. I personally believe it has to do with the hormones floating around in my body. So far, only nausea for me (which is great!). I spoke with my Dr. today regarding my blood tests and they are all withing the expected range and I will go for my first prenatal visit next week, after my second scan!

Yesterday evening I send an e-mail out to both grandma’s-to-be about this diary. I would like to get their input in what they are feeling, any suggestions, etc I am looking forward in compiling everything (and maybe daddy can be a guest writer once in a while!)

We have decided not to share the names with anyone. We have already picked the name for a girl. Both me and Jason have the same tattoo of the chinese symbol of wisdom (we had the tattoos done 1 year before we even met – we were meant to be together) We both like the same girls name and decided to name our baby it if it’s a girl. We looked up the meaning of the name and it actually means wisdom!!!!! I am not supersticious, but I think the little ‘lentil’ inside is a girl! Jason called him/her a ‘lentil com coracao’ today!


29/1/07 – Another day of being tired at the office!

Yesterday evening Anita and Steve called, they received the little box we had sent them. They were estatic. And, just like their son, cried!!! So cute! It’s they’re first grandchild (after Vinny of course! We have also agreed that he/she will come before Vinny, since he/she will be able to say ‘grandma and grandpa’ : )

Steve had an interesting story to tell about his family, there is a ‘7’ thing going on:

1907 – his dad was born

1937 – his dad and mom got married

1947 – Steve was born

1977 – Jason was born

1987 – his dad passed away

2007 – his first grand child will be born!!!

They called Carrie and she had to pull over on the side of the road, because she was so excited!

Anita was planning to come in April/May, but now she’ll hopefully hold off until baby is here!

This evening, my parents called… My dad had opened the envelope and saw the box (which had quite a bit of pink on it) and thought it was for mom, so he did not open it. Mom arrived home, opened the box, saw the little shoes and it took 15sec for her to realize (after reading the note) that we were expecting! Mom, dad and Liesbet called! They did not see it coming either! (eventhough mom had dreamd about us having a 1.5 yr old with cruly hair!) Both set of parents had some champagne to celebrate! Dad gave Jason some good advice – give her a massage every night and put a pillow under her legs! (since he was speaking dutch and Jason did not understand, I translated that he should on top of that also cook dinner, clean the house, bring home flowers every week, etc)

We are so happy to finally been able to share it with our families.

I just received the ‘your pregnancy bible’ book (which we, of course, ordered online)!

30/01/07 – Today was a ruff day. I had a hard time at work. I am feeling ‘akward’, my tummy is not feeling well (not hugging the toilet yet) but just this clostrophobic feeling, it’s hard to describe. I remind myself it is just part of developing the little ‘sesame seed’ inside of me (we read on a website that at 4 weeks the ‘baby’ is the size of a sesame seed!). I had to eat little snacks throughout the day and had to go outside to get some fresh air! I am still sleepy but am avoiding naps (eventhough I get home 2 hrs before Jason, which is very tempting, specially having such a great nap buddy - Vinny). Today I took him for a long walk instead! Let’s see for how long I can hold off of taking a nap when I get home from work!!

I was reading in the ‘your pregnancy bible’ about how conception, genetics, fetus development, etc all works out and I find it so amazing! Just to think how many obstacles there were to have egg and ‘swimmer’ ‘talk’ and that a baby is going to carry 50% of my genes and 50% of Jason’s genes. I am so curious to see how he/she will be. How she/he will look, her/his personality, caracteristics…. I can’t wait to meet our baby!!!!!!

The babie’s heart started beating this week!! The baby now is as big as a ‘lentil’ (where do these books/websites get these comparisons from?! So funny) and the heart is the size of a sesame seed! Hopefully we’ll see the heart beet next week when we go back for a scan.

The baby season has officially started among our friends:

  • One of my good friends, Kelly Maron, is 11 weeks pregnant and lives in Georgia. I wish we could live closer to share everyhting we are going through.
  • Yesterday we got an e-mail of our former neighbor in California and they are expecting twins.
  • The brand manager for France (she does my role in france) is 3 months along as well.
  • Another friend, Carrie and Drew, are having a boy in march (their third one!)
  • One of my good friends in Brazil, Vanessa, is having a baby at around the same time as I am
  • One of my brazilian friends, Patricia, is having a baby girl in february!

Our 4th anniversary

28/1/2007 – It’s been 9 days since we found out we are pregnant!

It still hasn’t sunk in completely! I don’t have that many pg signs. Just this weekend my tummy starting feelng funny (morning sickness) and I have alittle bit of cramps, but nothing major. Oh yes, and VERY sleepy (Jason loves this part, he has an excuse to take naps with me!). I slept close to 23hrs from Friday until Sunday evening!!!

On Tuesday (23/1) I went to our gp to see what are the next steps to sign me up for prenatal care. I had cramps on my left side for a week now and I mentioned it to her, she asked for some more of my medical background and when I mentioned I had a ‘idiopathic’ pelvic infaction 8years ago and 10 years ago I had a ovary cyst removed, she directed me to the AE (UK ER) since I was at high risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Jason met me there, I was in tears and very scared of having to terminate the pregnancy. After waiting for over an hour and obgyn did and internal examination (yike!), blood work and urinalysis. She send me home and said to come back to next day to do a scan and make sure everything was fine. I had a terrible night of sleep! The next morning I went to the Chelsea and Westminster hospital (Jason would meet me there) but they saw me so fast that when I was leaving Jason arrived. BABY is fine!! I was so relieved and happy when the scan showed that the gestation sac and the yolk were at the right location! I need to go back in two weeks to make sure that it remains fine. My HCG levels were also within the norms and they said not to worry!

It was a great start of the day… the 24/1/07, our 4-year anniversary!

This was the first day I experienced intense tiredness. I arrived home from work and decided to take a nap before going out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary… well I was exausted and we stayed home instead!

We have been trying to conceive to 4 months! I was very impatient and because of my pelvic infection and cyst, I thought it would take longer (the obgyn that saw us at the ER, said that we had been lucky to conceive so quickly after knowing my background!) It was the relaxing atmosphere of being on holidays in Brazil/Uruguai that helped us! I was 5 days late when I tested and tought for it would be negative (of course, deep inside I had hope) since sometimes have longer cycles! Well, on Friday (19/1) I arrived home from work, I was very upset that the plumber did (again) not fix our toilet leak and I almost bursted into tears, I also had some strong cramps, so I just thought these ‘hormonal’ feelings could only be one thins… so I tested… instantly POSITIVE… I started laughing and Vinny came to see what was happening… he was the first one I told it too!!!! (he of course had no clue what was happening) Jason arrived home 1 hour later. It was very hard not to throw myself around his neck and share the great news… instead I said I had a little present for him. He wanted first to take out his contacts and get into some comfy cloths. I went to finish dinner. When he came to the dining room there was a little packet on his plate. He opened it and saw a little bib and t-shirt with “I LOVE DADDY” and looked very surprised and asked – Are you pregnant? He hugged me and cried! We have been overjoyed since then and waiting to share the new with everyone. I have told Melissa and Kelly Maron (she is 11 weeks pregnant) Oh, I am now 6 weeks along! We send to both of our parents a little box with some baby cloths and a little note saying – “you will soon be grandparents”. They have not received it yet. It’s very hard for me to talk to my mom and not spill the beans!! I can’t wait to share every experience with her!