Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sweet second trimester!!!

Last week I officially started my second trimester and, to my surprise, it is true what they say. I feel much better! Overall I have had a great pregnancy, just a bit nausea, I was a bit more tired then usual, I was not sleeping that well during the night and my skin was braking out. (seriously, this is so much better then some stories I have heard where woman spend so much time throwing up, feeling pain, etc) But I suddenly have no more nausea (this ceased 3 weeks ago), I have more energy, I have been sleeping without problems (I just wake up 2 -3 times to go to the bathroom) and my skin is getting better.
The spring has arrived and London is so much more pleasant (specially with daylight savings). Yesterday evening I arrived home around 5, took Vinny to the park and jogged/walked for 1 1/2hrs, I felt great!!!! I jogged for 5 min (very slowly) and walked for 1, for 1 hr and then walked the rest. Vinny loved it and I really felt good!
I am starting to see more of a belly, but it is still not visible to 'the outside world'.
Everyone in the family has been very quiet, I have not heard from any of the grandmas for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Annelies and Jason:
The computer is up and running again! I have been lost not being able to write to you. I've tried calling a few times and have not been able to catch you at home. I'm still at home, not back to work yet and possibly not for awhile.
I love the blog notes!!! I am overwhelmed with how much you already know about the baby and have seen her and made her move with the jumping for the ultrasound!!! It's just amazing!!! It's so nice of you both to share this part of your life with this new little babe. Now, I'm not being partial to a little girl but I always have heard that girls are more fun to make!!!
I'm so glad you are starting to feel better, no more morning sickness, and more energy...
Enjoy the sleeping now... there's a reason why it takes both a man and a woman to raise a child... and don't forget Grandparents.. we will always be there for you, no matter where in the world you're at.
Thank you for sharing this joyous event with us.