Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Settling in

Today was Kaio's second settling in session at daycare. Yesterday I spend 1 hr with him at the nursery. He looked around, stared at the crying babies and played with the new toys. They also wanted to have him paint while I was filling out some forms, but instead of painting he grabbed the piece of paper and put it in his mouth! Today I left him for 1 1/2hrs (by himself). He had woken up early today and hadn't taken a morning nap, so I thought he would be cranky. When I came back, he was sleeping (even with other children playing and screaming around him) and they said he had played nicely, drank some water and giggled a lot! I was very relieved it had gone so well. Tomorrow I leave him for 2 hrs and monday, April 14th, it will be his first full day! It will probably be much harder on me then on him. But, I am hoping to be very busy at work. After being gone for 7 months, I will have plenty of catching up to do.
Here are some pics
1) Still using the silly hat
2) Vinny and Kaio watching mommy cook
3) I love to talk while eating
4) Kaio in the big bath
5) Kaio with mommy

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