Sunday, June 28, 2009


We just got back from a week holiday in Tunisia at Club Med! We had a fantastic time and enjoyed every day. It was nice and warm and we had a beautiful beach, pool, house and a lot of time to enjoy it all together! Kaio loved the pool and all the 'mommy and daddy' time. We did put him daycare for a couple of days, which went well and he seemed to enjoy. Kaio loved the local food and tried several different flavors, although his favorite was eating watermelon (something he clearly has from me since I also adore watermelon).
It was really hard to choose the best pictures since there were so many cute ones!
1) Us by the pool
2) Daddy and Kaio in the pool
3) Mommy and Kaio by the flowers
4) Naked baby on the beach
5) More pool time
6) Kaio and daddy giggling
7) Kaio playing on the beach (he loved grabbing sand and throwing it as far as he could)
8 and 9) White night party
10) Another nice family picture (isn't Kaio just ADORABLE!!!!!!)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Family time in Belgium

A couple of weekends ago, Kaio and I went to Belgium to see our family. Oma and Opa where there to and we had a great time.
Kaio was adorable with his cousins, Lucas (=Ucas) and Ana Julia (=tutu). Kaio clearly recognized them from our previous trips and they had a great time playing. Juju adores baby Kaio and imitates him, saying 'papel'(=apple), ride around in a pram (she usually doesn't) and drink out of a bottle. Oma and Opa had so much fun seeing their three grandchildren play together. Tante (aunt) Karo was also very happy to see Kaio.
1) Oma, Juju and Kaio - all 'babi' (=happy)
2) Kaio loved the helmet (maybe even more then the bike.)
3) Kaio and Juju playing in the garden (he would tackle her and give her tons of kisses)
4) Tante Karo, Juju, Kaio and me!
5) Tante Karo, Juju and Kaio having fun
6) On Juju's bike

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kaio's announcement

As you can see in the pictures above - Kaio is very excited about his new role as 'the big brother'! I am now 4 months pregnant and we are very happy to welcome another baby in December.
We have been starting to 'prepare' Kaio for it. I point at my belly (which is much bigger then with Kaio) and say "baby". He was then pointing at his belly and saying "baby". It took a bit of work for him to understand that he does not have a baby in his belly (nor does daddy). When I do ask him to kiss the baby and he goes straight to my belly! He currently adores babies (tries to hug and kiss all babies he sees) and I am hoping he will stay that way!

Friday, June 05, 2009


A couple of weeks ago we went to Edinburgh for a long weekend. Jason and Kaio flew by themselves to meet me there and Kaio behaved really well. He definitely is a good traveler!
We had a great time in Edinburgh and Kaio enjoyed going to different restaurants to try their fish and chips, he loved sleeping in the same room as mommy and daddy (although we did the hide in the bathroom thing for him not to see us so he could go to bed) and he also behaved really well on the plane back.
Some pics:
1) Kaio and daddy having fun at a park
2) Kaio and mommy having fun in a pub
3) Carrying the 12kg toddler around
4) Kaio showing the castle to mommy
5) Kaio and mommy enjoying the nice view
6) Kaio and mommy with a nice background