Friday, June 05, 2009


A couple of weeks ago we went to Edinburgh for a long weekend. Jason and Kaio flew by themselves to meet me there and Kaio behaved really well. He definitely is a good traveler!
We had a great time in Edinburgh and Kaio enjoyed going to different restaurants to try their fish and chips, he loved sleeping in the same room as mommy and daddy (although we did the hide in the bathroom thing for him not to see us so he could go to bed) and he also behaved really well on the plane back.
Some pics:
1) Kaio and daddy having fun at a park
2) Kaio and mommy having fun in a pub
3) Carrying the 12kg toddler around
4) Kaio showing the castle to mommy
5) Kaio and mommy enjoying the nice view
6) Kaio and mommy with a nice background

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