Sunday, August 02, 2009

Future careers

Although Kaio is not yet 2 years, it is normal one dreams about his future and what he will be when he grows up!
Here are the careers I have already envisioned for him:
- A veterinarian: he loves animals and imitates their noises. He is always fascinated by the animals in books and on TV.
- A musician: he loves music and seems to have a good rhythm. He also 'sings' and adores music class. When I say we are going to Fruity Tunes (music class) he gets VERY excited! He also still loves his guitar and plays it almost daily (he has had it for more then 5 months and normally toys do not last that long!)
- A cook: he loves seeing us cook and help us. Lately he loves to sit on the counter and look at us mixing spices, chopping vegetables and stirring in the pots. He also started playing with our pot and pans cupboard. He takes everything out and pretends he is cooking. (and let's us taste his 'food')
- A dancer: he drops anything when he hears music and starts dancing. He also asks for us to turn on the radio and loves my ipod!
- A builder: he loves diggers and tractors and is completely fascinated by them.
- A cleaner: he just really continues enjoying the whole cleaning thing and knows where the cleaning materials are and helps me when I am cleaning. (I need to remove him from the house when our cleaner comes! As he wants to help and ends up being in the way)
- A gardener: he really enjoys digging in the plant pots in our garden and at daycare he also goes straight to the plant corner to dig in the sand.
- An athlete: he really likes running, kicking the ball around and swimming. He also has a perfect body shape, lean and muscular!

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