Kaio is excited, although initially he kept saying - "baby out, Kaio hold" he now says - "baby out, Kaio airplane!". This is because recently we sent Vinny to Colorado by airplane and Kaio said he also wanted to go on an airplane. We had to explain to him that first the 'baby had to come out' before we would also go on an airplane...
Kaio's communication skill have improved significantly, which is great for when the baby comes and he will be able to express himself better and avoid frustration. Sometimes we do have difficulties understanding what he is trying to say, since he learns words at nursery and we actually are not expecting him to know them! (ex. tiny, over here, clean up)
He is also starting to pronounce his name better. Before he would call himself - Dado, and now he says - Daio!
Some pics:
1) Kaio made a train with our pillows and then sat his 'friends' in a row as his passengers (I 'helped' him a bit with the idea after becoming tired of being his passenger!)
2) Kaio still loves his instruments and he used this tube as a 'trumpet'. He is also very creative with pianos and guitars, using sticks, hangers, etc

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