Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Josefine turned 4 months last friday.
She started attempting some roles yesterday at Oma's house and today she is rolling non stop. This morning I woke up with her crying because she had rolled on her belly and was 'stuck'. It's absolutely adorable, you just put her on her back and in no time she flips her legs to the side and now has mastered moving her hand also. Unfortunately the belly position is not her favourite, so after a couple of seconds she starts fussing because she is 'stuck'. I read back to when Kaio started rolling and he did the opposite, he used to love his tummy time and his first rolls were from the tummy to the back!
Josie continues to be a super happy baby. She also seems to be very social. She smiles easily to anyone and when she is a bit upset (when she is bored 'playing' with a toy), it just takes a couple of seconds of face to face time with her and she is happy again!
It's becoming very difficult to choose pictures to post, since they are all so adorable and priceless! Below is a nice selection of the last couple of weeks:
1)Happy girl
2)Kaio and his 'mana' (sister)
3)Big smile!
4)"I can be serious too!"
5)Still fascinated by her hands
6)Kaio and Daddy trying the first 'churrasco'! Yummie chicken hearts!
7)Kaio loves his sister - he constantly asks to hold her!
8)Big eyes! She does look like me in this pic
9)Kaio with Opa on his new boat. Kaio has been on several boat trips and he loves it!
10)Exploring the playmat together

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