She gives kisses (with her mouth open) to anyone. This week at swimming she 'kissed' all her baby classmates.... Very cute!
She has also started mastering the signing language. The same one Kaio did very well and helped us to understand him before he could speak. She does 'food', 'all done', 'birdie' (she does this when she sees a bird or hears one) and 'milk'. She started 10 days ago and hasn't stopped since!

Kaio has become a much easier toddler (touch wood, but I think the terrible twos might be getting behind us!) and he understands the situations, he is more patient, he cries less and is overall a total joy! I think he also has fully taken on the 'bit brother' roll and is very protective, sweet, patient and proud of her. Of course, he also knows he can easily take toys from her, place them away from her reach or persuade her take another toy! He is doing really well at school and has been sharing, spontaneously stories about his classmates and his day at school. He loves to spend time at Oma's house and he has even spend some nights there. (and opted to stay there when I wanted to take him home!)

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