Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Goodbye 2013 and welcome 2014

New Year's Eve... Very mellow: a nice bath with my 2 cuties and watching a DVD we picked up earlier at the library... The year has flowen by with many changes for our family. But as I think back, it has been an awesome year!!!! We started the year in Brazil, preparing our move to the US. In the us we had to adjust to our new lives here. New schools, new friends, new customs, new routines... But after have been here 10 months, settled in a new home, kids adjusted nicely at their schools, our new jobs, I can honestly say we are happy!!!!! We are happy we made the move, happy we can concurred so much in such a short time, happy the kids are growing up and developing perfectly, happy we are living in the US!!!
Let 2014 come with more happiness and more conquests by our family! Let us continue to be united, support each other, seek new challenges and grow!!!

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