Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Getting ready for Christmas...

Kaio is really looking forward to Lucas´s arrival tomorrow. Karolien and her family are arring for Christmas and Kaio has such a fond memories of his cousin. Josefine also talks about Victor (who is 6 months) as being her cousin!
November was a fast month (like many others). Kids started going two full days a week to school (while I work) and the other 3 half days we spend the morning together. Sometimes it is hectic to keep the house clean and organized and play at the same time, but the kids love to help and are really good in helping tidy up. At school they sing a song when they need to tidy up and we sing it together (Guarda, guarda, guarda, bem direitinho pra deixar tudo no lugarzinho....)
Both kids are realy putting effort in trying to sing all types of songs and in this case it is Kaio that is motivated by Josefine doing so well at it. She sings several songs all by herself (mainly português songs but many English songs too) I remember Kaio always enjoyed music, however he never really attempted to sing along. Josefine really tries to look at our mouth for the pronunciation and imitate the noises. Kaio is in a phase he understands several words of the song and asks for explanations about the story told in each song.
It has started warming up and we were all amazed in how Kaio has no fear from the pool. Last year he was a bit cautious with the pool, but now he just jumps in it. He has asked to start swimming classes again.
Josefine has desfinitely entered the "terrible twos" and can be a lot of work at times. She has some tantrums and wants things her way. It sometimes hurts a bit, but we are making sure to stay strict and make sure she knows what is acceptable and what isn´t. Kaio sometimes tries to reason with her, but mostly she won´t listen to him. He has also found that telling us what Josefine is doing wrong (like taking out all the floss or all her cloths from her closet) so we can avoid further "stress"! On the other hand, when we discipline Kaio, Josefine is right next to us repeating what we are saying "mano, don´t do that!" "behave", etc. It was to no surprise her teacher says she does the same at school. When the teacher tells the kids to tidy up or stop making a mess, she repear the teacher and acts like she is the grown up!
Overall the kids really love and adore each other and are learning how to play together (although they both know really well what upsets the other and they do it on purpose to get our atention or to really test each other). I keep telling Kaio to "negotiate" with her if they are disputing over a toy and it mostly works. Josefine has started doing the same thing, so when Kaio is playing with a toy she wants, she goes with a diferent toy or a book and says - "olha mano, para ti" (look brother, for you!)
We also had the year end party of their school, where all classes present a dance or scene. Jason was travelling but Oma, Opa and titia were there! I have to say, my kids were AWESOME! They did exactly what they had trained and followed all the instructions from their teachers, besides being totally adorable in their customes. Josefine was Tinkerbell and Kaio a soldier.
On the 9th of December Josefine turned 2!! We had a great day with her. Jason got back from a trip in the morning and then we spend the day getting ready for the "princess birthday" we scheduled for the following day! We invited several friends, had a bouncy castle, a trampoline, lot´s of baloons, sweets, etc We had almost 40 people show up and she loved all the attention and friends. We dressed her as a princess and she kept saying "Josie princesa!) It was a great party!

Year end party of their school: Very proud mommy after the kids presentation.
Very focused on her "dust" throwing as Tinkerbell (other kids were paralised by the size of the audience)
Little Soldier. He kept showing his classmates how to do things. He kept looking at his teacher to follow her instructions! Very very well done!
Let the potty training begin! (she has no trouble to sit on it, but we have not had "anything" go down the drain)
Birthday Party: