Monday, December 09, 2013

Happy birthday Josefine!

4 years ago my life changed immensely! I became the mother of a beautiful little baby girl. Josefine was 5 days late and I was eager to hold her in my arms. She completed our family. Kaio was a very proud big brother from day one, Jason got his little girl and I became the proud mother of 2!
Josefine has become such an amazing, smart, caring, determined, sweet and clever girl. She is eager to learn and opinionated - she knows what she wants and what she does not want. She is very spontaneous with loving words, hugs and kisses. She loves to play with her brother and they can spend hours reading or playing together. The can also bicker and argue when they are moody... (They are kids after all)
She knows all her capital and lower case letters and is attempting to read. With some help she can count until 100, she has learned English and repeats words in portugues. She loves to come and snuggle in bed early in the morning (she is a morning person!!) She wants to dress herself and choose her own cloths. She is a leader in her class and teachers often comment in how she is obedient, sweet and smart!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy and friendly

The kids have been in such a fun mood. We are getting into a nice work/school routine during the week and on the weekend (stay home days as Josefine calls then) we always plan fun stuff. In the morning, during the week, we wake the kids up at around 6:15. Both kids get ready by themselves, brush teeth and are ready to go in 30mins! The first weeks in the new house we had some less cooperative kids but, as usual, the adapted quickly. I drop then off and school and go to work. In the afternoon I pick them up around 4pm and we have several hours to go to the library, cook dinner together, go to the store or mall, play outside, meet up with friends for dinner or simply play at home. Jason comes home around 5:30 and also has time to hang out and help with the evening routine. We read 2 books before bed and they are ready for bed at 8! During the weekend we are still very busy with the house but always plan a trip to the museum, a hike or explore the area, a nice meal at a restaurant with friends or happy hour. We are all so happy to be settling in and making Colorado our home!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

New house

3 weeks ago we moved into our new Home! We are absolutly loving it. We did some extensive remodeling for the last 2 months and we have been all eager to move. The kids asked several time when we would move but we made it a fun process and went every weekend to paint walls and get ready. 
Kids are loving the big size if the house and several options to play.. They have each a big room, we have a play room in the basement a big living room and a nice size yard for them to run, play and have fun!
Josefine's room has a bright pink wall with 3D butterflies. Kaio's room is painted with a nice yellow and turquoise. I am planning to paint space ships and planets in the wall. Kaio also found a perfect spot for Mr. T.
The neighborhood is great and out neighbors are so friendly... Kaio and Josefine play often with our next door neighbors kids.
We've also had our first dinner party!!! We were so excited to host a nice meal with pepe and have 4 generations sharing the same roof for a day and night!!!!
Vinny has also been a frequent visitor and the kids just LOVE having him around.

Friday, November 01, 2013

First Halloween in the US

OHow much fun!!!
In the morning Kaio had a parade at his school, which Josefine and I attend. It was cute to see all kids in such a creative costumes. After I dropped Josefine at school I went back to Kaio's classroom to help with the Halloween party. He was so sweet and thankful I was in his room and kept telling his friends - this is my mommy!!!!
In the afternoon we went to Jason's office for some pumpkin carving and finished the day trick or treating in our neighborhood. It was windy and cold but the kids went to a dozen houses and loved it. They also enjoyed being at home afterwards to open the door and give treats to the other trick or treaters that came by.
A funny story: when we were leaving josefine's school, several people said to have fun trick or treating and Josefine smiled and kept saying - I will! When we got to tha car she asked - what is trick or treating!!!
Kaio was ninja turtle and Josefine sleeping beauty!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kaio's first race!

Jason and I have been runners for more than 8 years now. We clock in around 15miles per week. The kids are used for us running, doing races, going to buy running gear etc. Kaio's school had a fundraiser race and we thought it would be a great opportunity for him to get started. He choose Jason to run with him and signed up. The day is the race we had horrible weather: cold, rainy, windy. But we went, all bundled up. They ran the 1mile race and Kaio did awesome. Kaio runs fast, but sprints for 20yards and this was the first longer run. So he sprinted, walked for 10secs, sprinted, walked for 10secs.. And finished his first mile in 10:53mins (which is great) he was 5th in his age group (great accomplishment as it was the day after his 6th birthday!) we were very proud!!!
Josefine and I waited eagerly at the finish line.. She was very cute as she saw people arriving and kept saying - 'whet is Kaio?!' After every person that crossed the finish line.
After the race, everyone wet, we want home for a warm soup and hot chocolate!!! A fun evening!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Kaio - 6 years of amzingness!!!

6 years ago my life changed. I became more responsible, happy and complete. I understood the real meaning of Love and life, I became more patient, learned to (admire a sleeping baby and my personality softened. I learned a whole new level of happiness, admiration and sleep deprivation. I learned to sing lullabies and play silly. I became more protective, more loving and comprehended the amazingness of giving birth to a child. Most importantly, I became a better person! Thank you Kaio for making me a better person and for being such an amazing son! (The pic above is with his new Pet, a tortoise!  Poor guy has a swollen ele due to a bug bite...)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Birthday party!

We celebrated Kaio's birthday this weekend. He opted for the ninja turtle theme and we were able to find so many items. His favourite, a ninja turtle piƱata!!! Which the kids really enjoyed. We had several friends and family over and had a wonderful day by the pool. We had a special, personalized cake for him and sang happy birthday in English and Portuguese! His actual birthday is on Thursday and both Jason and I are taking the day off the celebrate this special day with an amazing 6 year old!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

New schools

As we will move soon to our new home, the kids changed schools! Kaio started kindergarten again and is at Aspen Creek. After morning class he gets the bus to the school where Josefine is for kindergarten enrichment. The are both really enjoying the new school and excited to go.
Yesterday we completed 6 months in the US. Yesterday was also the first day of remodeling the house, starting with taking a huge wall down. I feel we are settling in and finally building a home and a place we consider home!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Stubborn girl

Josefine is stubborn! I guess she is a mini me and my mom said I acted very similar to her when young. The other day we were at a play park and she was playing against the 'flow' of the other kids. (A snake which was being used as a slide, but Josefine sat a the bottom, so nobody else could go down). Most kids just have up after waiting a while for her to move... However there was a older girl that also seemed strong minded and sat at the top for a while... Both kids stared at each other until, suddenly, Josefine gave in an ran away.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Restaurant play

We purchased a new home and while we are remodeling we got the kids a toy kitchen with tons of fake foods, plates, utensils and serving trays. They have been enjoying it and after spending a while 'cooking' they come to ale our orders and then serve us. The other day Josefine came with a full tray and announced that she was the 'bringer' (waitress) and Kaio was the 'cooker' (chef/cook). She was also very adamant that we finished our food before getting dessert....

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kungfu fighting...

The kids heard the song at school and saw the videoclipe... And now they Love it... Josefine keeps repeating "Kungfu fighting as fast as lightning.." Her rythm is a bit off but it is adorable and she said she loves the song because she knows it! She also said she will know how to whistle when she gets older (part of the song is a whistle solo). Kaio is fascinated by the video where the show kungfu!
They have really started taking and interest in adult songs... They have really enjoyed Dave Matthews as we play it all the time!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another doc check up

We went for a regular doctor check up today. We had not visited a pediatrician since we arrived... Almost 6 months ago! Kids were all in good health. Both kids are in the 50-75% for their height. For weight, Kaio is in the 25-50% and Josefine at 50%. 
They are getting all ready for their new schools. Kaio will start kindergarten at Aspen Creek and Josefine will go to Primrose (where Kaio will have kindergarten enrichment after school). They are both very excited!

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Our athlete

This week they held mini Olympics at the school! Kaio was eager and was ready with his running shoes! The first say they had 3 categories (long jumps, running and frisbee (?)). He came home with 3 medals! Gold in the first two categories and bronze in frisbee (which is not really a sport) we were so proud and he was very happy! The following day the had a multi sport event and again he came in first! He truly is very good as sports (he beats me when we race...)

A woooolf

The kids have been very impressed with the coyotes we have been seeing (I saw 4 the other day) and as I described them as being a type of wolf, the call them that! Actually, Josefine has merged (unintentionally) the word wolf and woof (dog bark) and calls them woooolfs. It drives Kaio crazy as he tries to correct her and she keeps on calling them woooolfs!

Friday, August 02, 2013


I am always amazed in how diferente my kiddos are! As I am working full time now and want to fit in a workout without compromising time with the kids, I wake up at 5am to run. At that time it is still dark/dusk and I enjoy the freshness of the greenbelt and lakes around. I also enjoy the dozens of bunnies and birds I come across... This week, however, I came across 2 coyotes. It is well known they are in our neighborhood, but we had not seen them so far. When I arrived home the kids were awake and I told the story about the coyotes... Both of them were hooked and wanted as many details as possible. At the end Kaio, being very considerate and careful said "mommy, don't go running in that area again" and within a second Josefine says "mommy, can I go running with you?"

Developing artists

We often talk about what the kids would like to be when they are older (as they ask questions about where we work, what we do... Part of their daily long list of questions about life :-) and Kaio has gone from being a bob the builder (building things) to being pilot, a truck driver and a painter! We always talk about what sort if works he can do and the options he had within each choice. His latest goal is to be a bob the builder (to build houses and buildings) and in his spare time be a painter (he loves to draw) Josefine is still a bit young to understand it all, but she had gone from wanting to be TinkerBell to being Miney when she grows up! I can't wait to see what they will do when they decide on a career but I am sure they will do great and we will stand behind any decision they make!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Mommy's get together

Last weekend I went to San Diego for the weekend to meet with some dear friends from the time we lived in LA. We all have kids (some 2 and some 3) and got together, no kids and no husbands! We had a blast! It was reassuring that we share similar doubts, guilt feelings, joys, worries, challenges, etc
I always thought that the personality depended on being 1st or 2nd child, a boy or girl... But talking to my friends, not so much! Some of them have their eldest son with similar personality trends as Josefine or their youngest daughter being similar to Kaio. Which just reinforces that there is no standard rules about raising kids and you just need to do the best you possibly can at the circumstances you are in! 
We all love our kids dearly and are trying, to our full potential, make them great human beings, but it does not always go perfect and there are lots of challenges, but what is important is ensuring their happiness, building strong ethics and values but certainly, also have fun while making them these awesome people they'll become!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Little lier...

We recently have noticed that Josefine has been telling some minor lies... It's a bit funny but also worrying! It is cute because she is not good at it and it is unexpected to see a 3 1/2year-old making up lies. Last week, when I picked her up at school, I noticed she had shorts on that were not hers. I asked her... She smiled and said she bought them!!! And a big smile! After talking to her a bit more, she revealed she had an accident and they used another's girl spare cloths! She did loose her tv that night for lying! She has lied about having washed her hands before dinner, having finished her lunch (while she had a half full plate), having finished cleaning her room, etc
On the other hand Kaio is very honest. I honestly don't remember the last time he told a lie....
So different......

Thursday, July 04, 2013


Jason has always understood about the rules of sports but has never been the kind if person knowing all the players, playoffs, etc. he never interrupted his day to watch a game...
Last month Kaio and Jason went to a baseball game and we have been making Kaio aware of the different sports in all the countries he had been to. He has really expressed interest in baseball! And had been very aware of the score and really comprehends it! It is cute to see!  We ha e also been practicing baseball with him, watching local teams play, etc and he really enjoys it!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Watching TV

This week it was extremely hot and so we decided to stay inside, with ac on, and watch a movie. The kids picked the movie: The last unicorn. As you can expect, it was a intense cartoon with several 'evil' people trying to catch the last unicorn. Kaio has always gotten very into movies and laughs, cries, jumps around, closes his eyes and gets very emotional with TV. Josefine has never been very much into tv and only in the last 2 - 3 months that she has gotten some interest in TV. She now watches for more then 2 mins, but still does not get much emotional about it. S, going back to the 'last unicorn', as expected it caused Kaio to be very upset and he started crying (which I heard from the kitchen) when I went to comfort him, I caught Josefine with her arm around him and she was saying "don't be afraid , I am here to protect you!" It was very cute and funny! She often acts like the "mom" towards Kaio!

The pic above illustrates how Kaio gets so into the cartoon (he is just laughing out loud) while Josefine just sits and stares at it!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Our kids are so different in many ways..... (As I mentioned in several previous posts) but one interesting one is josefine's sensitivity to cold and Kaio's to heat. Josefine loves sweets and adores the 'concept' of ice cream but hates the cold feeling in her mouth. She also does not like ice in her drinks.
Kaio on the other side is sensitive to heat. When I fill their bath with warm water (not hot warm), Josefine jumps right in and Kaio often complains it is too hot and will not sit down in it. Kaio is also known, since baby, to prefer cold food and milk. (Which was great since I did not have to warm his bottle when he was a baby!) Josefine is not keen on cold food and prefers it warm....

Friday, June 21, 2013


Kids are true bookworms! They can sit and 'read' them for hours and are constantly asking for us to read to them... Although they can't actually read, they Love looking at the images and then imagen the story, so when I read the book to them they ask lots of questions as the might have imagined it diferently. We now live less then a mile away from a great library where we go weekly and the kids choose 10 - 15 books. They can't wait to get Home to 'devour' them!!! 

Monday, June 17, 2013


We moved to the US at the end of february, towards the end of the schoolyear. Since his birthday is at the end of september, he was right at the cut off to start kindergarten. He was the youngest. He adjusted really well and learned so much in 3 months, made friends and got fluent in english. By the 'norms' he could start first grade in the fall, however, after taking into consideration his size, his background (moving countries for the third time and 2 languages) we decided to retain him and he will start kindergarten in the fall. It will be great for his self esteem, knowing the teacher (who he really likes and she also really enjoys having him in her room as he is very focussed and eager to learn) and being the older kid.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Feeling a bit guilty

On monday I start work. I am very happy since it is a great opportunity and an interesting challenge for my career. However I have had very mixed feelings since I accepted the role. Kids will go back to full time daycare and it males me feel guilty. Here in the US it is very common mom to leave their career on hold while raising their children (in Brazil, this is not always financially possible). We have also spend some much time together in the last year and specially since we moved to the US! I will miss spending so much time with them! But I am also aware I will be 100% present on our time together once I start working. Both kids will be at the same daycare until Kaio starts kindergarten in august. I am sure they will have lots of fun and be happy as it is a great daycare, it's just this mom's guilt (i would also feel very guilty if I would not have a career!) Since this is our 'last' week together, we had a full fun active week! We went to the zoo, the pool, museum, circus, library, indoor jumping arena, playdatea and ate tons of junk food, ice creams and sweets!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It is fun and sometimes a bit scary to see how both kids copy US with things we say, our tone of voice, our way of sayin things! Josefine, since she was little was always bossy, well now she repeats the things I say to Kaio. "Kaiooooo, bathroom lights" (when he leaves them on, eventhough she also often lets them on) "kaioooo, come toda a tua comida" or "tidy up" (although she likely has much more on her plate or she also needs to help tidy up.) The other funny word she has been saying is "popoly" (properly) "I popoly put my toys away" 

Saturday, June 08, 2013

New job...

We've moved here little over 3 months and finally are getting our employment figured out. Initially Jason took a temporary job in Los Angeles, which was a great opportunity but required him to be away more then 70% per month. After 2 months we decided that it was not going to work! (Josefine, on a week day, asked what he was doing home and why he was not in LA...). We even considered moving to LA, but then I got a great job offer which was also going to allow is to stay here in Colorado. At the same time Jason also got a job offer here in boulder! So, we decided to stay here in Colorado. A much better place to raise out kidlets!
We are celebrating!!!