Saturday, June 29, 2013

Watching TV

This week it was extremely hot and so we decided to stay inside, with ac on, and watch a movie. The kids picked the movie: The last unicorn. As you can expect, it was a intense cartoon with several 'evil' people trying to catch the last unicorn. Kaio has always gotten very into movies and laughs, cries, jumps around, closes his eyes and gets very emotional with TV. Josefine has never been very much into tv and only in the last 2 - 3 months that she has gotten some interest in TV. She now watches for more then 2 mins, but still does not get much emotional about it. S, going back to the 'last unicorn', as expected it caused Kaio to be very upset and he started crying (which I heard from the kitchen) when I went to comfort him, I caught Josefine with her arm around him and she was saying "don't be afraid , I am here to protect you!" It was very cute and funny! She often acts like the "mom" towards Kaio!

The pic above illustrates how Kaio gets so into the cartoon (he is just laughing out loud) while Josefine just sits and stares at it!

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