Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hello from Brazil

My last couple of days in Brazil :-(
I´ve had a great time here. I did some relaxing, hanging out with family and friends and lot´s of shopping! (luckily I brought a spare luggage!) I also received so many gifts and today there is another shower being held here at my parents house. This time it is with my mom´s friends!
It has been very difficult to keep the gender a secret. But I believe I have done a good job in misguiding them. Sometimes I say: our baby boy and then I say my daughter! Also, at the stores, I pick up some cute pink cloths, some nice blue boy cloths but only end up buying the ´neutral´ once! But I believe that the majority of my family and friends understand and respect our decision in keeping it a secret!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Guest Blogger Checking In

Hello everyone! So Annelies has often made the request that I write something on this blog; well, here you go! She is down in Brasil right now hanging out with her friends and family. And I guess she doesn't have any access to update the blog from there! Annelies had a baby shower with 12 of her close Brasilian friends this past weekend; apparently it was a great time, but I'll let her fill you in on the details later!

She is doing very well, and from the reports that I hear over the phone, the baby is kicking quite a bit! Even Fanny has been able to feel the baby kicking as well! That means she might some day be a dancer; or he might some day be a soccer player...........

(hehehe, did you think the guest blogger would spill the beans about the sex that easily? ;)

Annelies has at last finished putting together our "Wish List" baby registry for, a British website that is focused on, well, mothercare and all-things-baby. If you're interested in taking a look, please go to, click on "gift list" on the top right, and then in the "search for a gift list" box, type in "Annelies Hall". Please let us know if you're having any trouble with that!

A funny thing about baby registries is the multitude of customs around the world. For example, in the US, it's taboo to actually tell someone that you have a baby registry; this is strange, because people want to know where you're registered! (I suppose people are supposed to hear about it through the grapevine...but then how does the grapevine get to know where is the registry?) Then in Brasil, many people don't even have the concept of a baby registry; so you can potentially get lots and lots of the same green onesies or Dr Brown's baby bottle starter kits. (Perhaps you give a gift receipt along with the gift...) And I'm not entirely sure about the British custom for registries, but they do have an interesting approach to baby showers: in the US & Brasil, your best friend/mother/sister plans your baby shower for you; but in Britain, YOU are supposed to plan your own baby shower and invite people.

Anyhow, all cultural variations aside, we hope that we're not too forward in suggesting that you go to to check out our registry. We figure that open and honest communication is the most effective way of telling the news :)

Well, I don't think my drive-by blogging was nearly as heartfelt or interesting as Annelies' normal posts, but it was nice to drop by and say hello. I'm getting very excited to have a little Jasonzinho or Annezinha in this world very soon! Talk to you all soon!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Going to Brazil...

In 7 hours I will be on a plane to Brazil. I am very excited to stay with my family and see all my friends. I am sad Jason is not coming along, but he has a lot of work and I have more vacation time then he does.
I haven't decided which is the best seat on the plane: I need to go to the bathroom more often than normal, so I should sit on a aisle seat, however I can't sleep if I don't have a support for my head (like the window) so I would like a window seat!!!! Big dilema....
The baby has been kicking more... Today I was in a meeting from 8:30 until 1:30 and around 10 she/he started kicking more, I realized I was starving (since I normally have a snack by then) and it seemed the baby was telling me to eat something!
This friday I will complete 5 months and 3 weeks!!! The bump is definitely there but when I tell people how far along I am, they don't believe me. Today one coworker, who is a mom, said -
"almost 6 months?!?!?!! Really!??!! I was at least twice your size by 6 months!!!"
I almost said, maybe you shouldn't have eaten all those biscuits and fried chicken!!!!
Yesterday I went swimming again (3rd time in a week). It felt great!! I was able to swim 30 laps in 45 minutes! I hope to keep it up after I return from Brazil!

Monday, May 21, 2007

We SHOPPED!!! (until we almost dropped)

Yesterday we went to Oxford Street in central London (THE Champs Elysee in London) and we went to so many stores!!! Jason was exhausted at the end of carrying all the bags and waiting for us... he will be happy that next weekend he and Vinny can just sit around and not have to go shopping while I am in Brazil.
We spend several hours at Mothercare which is like Babies'R'us in the UK. My mom gave us several good hints about items that are 'essential', 'nice to have', 'could have if you have extra money' or 'totally unnecessary'. She has helped my older sister with her two children and has had a lot of hands on experience when she had the four of us. We also bought some gifts for some of my pregnant friends and of course for our little one!!!! We found a cute frog out fit, as well as some practical 'oncies' (they bottom up nicely and you don't have to put it over their heads)
My mom kept trying to catch me to see which baby colors I prefered, but I think I was able to mislead her since I think ALL baby stuff is cute!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

We felt the baby

In the last week I have been able to feel the baby kick, but every time I lay my hand against the place I felt him/her, I can't feel it against my hand. However, this weekend, after Jason ran 20 miles and we were watching an episode of Lost (yes, we have gotten addicted to the show), I felt the baby kick. I placed my hand against the place and felt him/her kick really strong against my hand. I was so excited and told Jason to put his hand there and after a couple of seconds he felt it too!!!!!
My mom arrived yesterday from Belgium and is staying with us until monday. She brought us some gifts for the baby. They are adorable: a little one-piece (in green) and another set with some some frogs on it!!! She also found some cute little frog toys (one dressed as a girls and the other as a boy!)
Today we are going to a big baby store to look at some items. I have started a list of all the items we need, we will have to buy some of them here (like the pram and crib) and other items we may may get in Brazil or the US. (it's is a lot cheaper there)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Could have been embarrasing

Another First today!
A complete stranger, in the elevator, asked how many months along I was (after looking at my belly several times). For a split second I thougth about two scenarios, which would have been funny/embarrasing:

- Look very surpised at her and say - 'what? pregnant? I am not pregnant? are you saying I am fat?'
- Make a farting noise, look very relieved and say - 'excuse me! But what were you saying?'

Instead, of course, I opened a big smile and said ' 5 1/2 months'!

Yesterday I went to the gym and went swimming, it felt great paddling in the pool for 30 minutes. I would like to start swimming twice a week and three days a week go for walks with Vinny.(hopefully the weater gets better - it has been raining since we got back from Portugal!)
I am still on track with the recommended monthly weight gain (1kg/month), however going to Brazil will mess this all up! (my dad makes some mean chicken hearts and churrasco, my mom is a great cook and Teresa also makes some devine dishes!!!)

I told Jason yesterday that a friends baby ( she is 7 months pregnant) reacts (by kicking) to her husband's voice, which she doesn't do with other people. So last night he started chatting more with my belly! Very cute!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Today, May 15th we will be going out to celebrate. There are 2 reasons:
- Jason and I met exactly 5 years ago at the Dave Matthews show and we have been pretty much together since. Jason made a nice list of some things we have been 'through':

  • 20+ countries traveled
  • 5 homes
  • 5 dogs (1 Vinny and 4 guests)
  • 1 half-marathon together
  • Several road trips in several countries
  • Thousands of bejinhos (but still not enough J)
  • A few caipirinhas
  • And 1 nail in the wall (or was it 2??!) - this is our 'little joke'

- Our baby is doing well and we found out the gender

Monday, May 14, 2007

Scan pictures

This is our baby at 5 months!!!! His/her little head is to the right (you can see the little nose, ears, mouth, skull, etc). Starting at the left and running towards the right, you can see the umbilical cord running over his/her tummy and chest. The umbilical cord starts at the left (it is not a little 'weewee'). Above were the umbilical cord start, to the left, you can see part of his/her knee! Also, in the middle, right above the umbilical cord, you can see his/her little hand (like it's holding the umbilical cord!). To find out the sex, the ultrasonographer had to approach the baby from 'behind' , between the legs to find out! The baby was in the right position, actually perfect to give birth, but that will, hopefully, only happen in 4 months!!!
This is a cute image, a little hard to see, but as Jason says, these pictures do not justify the amazing views you get at the actualy ultrasound. To the left on this pictures you can see two 'microphones' looking things (pointing to the right). These are his/her little feet together!!!!

pregnancy calendar

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gift Registry

The baby is definintely moving more. I still can't feel it against my hand but I feel pointy moves in certain spots of my belly!
I started working on our baby registry at a UK baby store (all done online). It's not 100% ready and I would like to go to the store to make sure we look at the items and have all the baby things we want on there. (Jason just went for a 20 mile run and I am not sure he will want to do anything else today after that!) But hopefully by next week I can forward you the link.
The fact that we are not revealing the baby's gender has caused some dissapointment within our families, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. First because it is something me and Jason are sharing and it is nice to share a secret between the two of us. Secondly, and this I have seen happen to other friends, once you tell everybody the sex, you either get all kind of pink/girl items or blue/boy (toys, cloths, pacifiers, etc). And for practical reasons, we will now hopefully get 'neutral' colors!
the most important thing is that he baby is healthy and growing well and you will have a nice surprise when he/she is born.
Yesterday we bought our first pack of daipers (or nappies, as they call it here). I got an offer from Huggies that buying a pack of their product you get a free daiper bag. Jason was very surprised with all the options of daipers, he also had no clue that you can easily go thourgh 15 daipers a day and several sets of cloths (he'll be surprised the day he sees the poop make it's way up to the neck and, of course, the smell when you switch to solids!!!! He is in for a fun ride! As he though picking up Vinny's poop was disgusting!)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

It is a....

We had our 5 month scan this morning. All the measurements (head, abdomen, heart, spine, brain, femur, kidneys, etc) were within the average for a 5 month old baby!!!! It was so great to see the little blimping heart we saw at 6 weeks now be a heart, with the 4 chambers very visible and pumping away!!! We saw the baby yawn and open and close it's mouth several times, moving the legs and arms!!! How cute!!!!!! (I still think it looks very tight in my belly!).
And... at the end... we found out it is.....a...... sorry folks, we decided to keep that one a secret! Since I am unable to keep the girl's name we had chosen a secret (we have not decided on a boy's name yet) we thought we'de at least have some surprise for everyone when the baby is born.. so it will be the gender! This should not discourage anyone to give us gifts :D It will actually be great to get neutral colored items, which we may then re-use for the next one.
We are very excited and happy to know our little one is well and growing normally!!!! we have 4 monhts to go!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


For the first time someone offered me a seat in a busy bus. (at least I think he did it becuase I looked pregnant and not just a fat tourist!) We were in Lisbon, and after spending 2 days exploring the city, we took a bus to the airport to get our rental car. The bus was packed and an older men saw me and gave up his seat for me to sit!!! Me and the older ladies on the front seats of the bus, which is reserved to the elderly, pregnant, woman with children and disabled!
We had a great trip in Portugal!!! This is the baby's 6th country he/she has been to!!! And we figurd that by the time he/she is born, it will be 9 countries total!!!
My belly is definitely showing now and a lot of my normal cloths don't fit, so it's time for the maternity cloths!!
Jason has been so sweet, now that my belly shows, he talks to it and strokes it!!! I believe it now feels more real to him as well, since the belly is growing!
I have different/weird moves/feelings in my belly, which is assume are the babies kicks!! But every time I put my hand against a specific spot in my belly, I can't really feel anything!
Two more days to go before the scan!!!

Lovely e-mail from my mom!

Allerliefste babietje van Annekeen Jason,,,,en ook babietje van oma Fanny en
opa Herman en grandma Anita and grandpa Steven,

Amaai...wat heb jij al een lange belangrijke titel....maar wat belangrijker is je gaat de liefste en de beste de knapste ..slimste... en de zorgzaamste mama hebben..die je nu al heel graag ziet...dat weet mama is soms een beetje bang of het allemaal wel zal lukken..maar dat is normaal..dat heb ik ook meegemaakt dat gevoel ... maar ik als de mama van je mama WEET ik dat je mama een super goeie lieve mama gaat allerbeste voor jou op de ganse wereld mama is zo bezorgd omdat ze zich goed voelt .hihi...gek he....nog geen al te grote buik heeft en ze bang is dat je niet genoeg plaats hebt ...ik weet dat jij het daarbinnen heel goed mama doet ook zo haar best voor jou....ik als mama van je mama ben zo fier hoe goed dat je mama het stelt...hoe flink ze alles doet en dat alles zo goed verloopt..ik zou je mama wel wat dichter willen bij mij hebben dat ik jullie meer kon zien..maar ik ben blij dat ik binnenkort je kan zien..wel langs de buik..maar omas kunnen dat...door de buik kijken en zien hoe lief je bent ....en natuurlijk ga ik dan tegen jou vertellen...met je papa heb je ook geluk hebt ook de liefste papa gekozen op de hele wereld...ik ben fier dat je al zo goed kan kiezen!!!!!!!!!.
Je kent al heel wat plaatskes op de mama en papa nemen je overal mee naartoe...wat heb jij geluk ben je in Portugal...en binnen enkele weekjes voor de tweede keer naar Brazilie al! Daar zal ik van genieten als je mama met jou hier is...we zien er naar uit om jullie tweetjes te verwennen...
Je mama zegt dat ik moet engels praten tegen jou maar dat ga ik met jou eens beter afspreken...!
Allerliefste babietje...stel je mama maar gerust dat alles perfect inorde is en zeg dat ze maar geniet van de goeie zwangerschap...want een keer dat je geboren bent dan begint het FEEST!!!!!!!!!!en bij dat grote feest wil ik bij zijn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liefs en vele buikzoentjes die met de nodige trillingen op jouw lief neusje terecht komen..op je lekkere mollige handjes....
tot heel vlug

Oma Fanny