Sunday, May 20, 2007

We felt the baby

In the last week I have been able to feel the baby kick, but every time I lay my hand against the place I felt him/her, I can't feel it against my hand. However, this weekend, after Jason ran 20 miles and we were watching an episode of Lost (yes, we have gotten addicted to the show), I felt the baby kick. I placed my hand against the place and felt him/her kick really strong against my hand. I was so excited and told Jason to put his hand there and after a couple of seconds he felt it too!!!!!
My mom arrived yesterday from Belgium and is staying with us until monday. She brought us some gifts for the baby. They are adorable: a little one-piece (in green) and another set with some some frogs on it!!! She also found some cute little frog toys (one dressed as a girls and the other as a boy!)
Today we are going to a big baby store to look at some items. I have started a list of all the items we need, we will have to buy some of them here (like the pram and crib) and other items we may may get in Brazil or the US. (it's is a lot cheaper there)

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