Thursday, December 09, 2010

1 year!!!

Our little girl is one today! She is not a little girl anymore, she is a proper toddler. She is a sweet, smart, precious, interesting/interested, beautiful baby girl!
She is a great little sister to Kaio and is an amazing daughter to us! She makes us all smile and we giggle together! She has gone from 3.3kg to 9.4kg and from 54cm to 74cm in 12 months!
Josefine has brought us so much happiness, she has completed our family perfectly!

We had a very nice day, she woke up in a great mood and we sang happy birthday to her. She looked very happy and started clapping her hands too! I was going to take Kaio and her to a park before lunch but she decided to take a 2 hr morning nap! When she woke up we went to have lunch and she feasted on french fries and some pieces os steak (she loves to chew and suck on them and then spit them out). In the afternoon Oma, Josefine and I went to find her a nice birthday cake and we had Oma, Opa and titia over for some cake and champagne.
Kaio was extra nice to her (letting her play with toys, hugging and kissing her) because it was her birthday!

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