Sunday, May 04, 2008

They finally arrive!!!

His teeth that is! Kaio has been drooling since he was 3 months, he has been chewing on everything and everyone, he has had nappy rash and hurt his ears (from scratching) and now we can see the little white tooth!
Yesterday I looked at his mouth and his lower front gums were really red and they looked a bit whitish (I thought it was infected) but this morning I can definitely feel the little tooth!!!! I can't wait to see those two front teeth sticking out when he smiles!
We went to a county fair yesterday and Kaio had fun looking at the dog agility, horse jumping, balloons, tanks and a beautiful day in the open air! (as did we) He followed the running dogs and horses and was very attentive to everything around him! We can't wait for him to be running around and playing with balloons, the other children, jumping on the inflatable castle, etc. Although we enjoy the 'control' we currently have since he is not mobile yet
Kaio has been saying 'mamamamamam' and 'dadadadada' a lot. I don't think he really associates it with us but it is cute!

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