Monday, August 25, 2008

He is dancing!

We had a very busy 3-day weekend. We have been packing for our move, which is next week. It is a bit distracting with Kaio, but also so much fun! It's great to see him 'play' with everything: a empty box, a hanger, folded cloths (yes, he is able to unfold everything in no time), etc.
He now has this 'forced' funny laugh. He sees a picture of someone laughing (it started with the picture of a laughing man in the newspaper) and he does this 'hehehehehe', which is not his normal laugh. When we repeat it he continues, it's very cute!
Kaio also started 'dancing'! We went to the Notting Hill Carnival on sunday. It was very fun, loud and interesting. Kaio loved looking at all the noises, different people, costumes and musical cars. At one point we stopped to see a carnival flout come by and when I looked down at Kaio he was schaking his had and moving his body, so Jason and I started dancing too, and he continued doing it with a big smile on his face!
Kaio is so flirtatious with strangers, he smiles, laughes, points and interacts with anyone that gives him a look. He contineus to be very loving a sweet with us - hugging and kissing (and sometimes biting) us!

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