Friday, January 07, 2011

2011 will be another great year!

Both kdis are doing great. They are really having fun together! Most of the time they play nicely and share well, although Josefine has started 'complaining' (very loudly) when Kaio takes a toy she has been playing with. In the past he could easily grab her toys or replace it with another toy, but now she knows what she wants and does not take 'no' for an answer. Something tells me she will be a stuborn, determined and strong willed little girl! Most of the times, Kaio gives in! (although I have been monitoring it closely to ensure he does not get to 'bullied' by her ;-)
Josefine started saying 'baby' and 'hello' this week. Her Hello is in portuguese - "Alo" and sounds like AOOO. She says it when she hears the phone ringing or she puts a phone to her cheek. She also does 'no-no-no' with her index finger when I say it to her! (it is hard to stay serious).
Kaio has started the 'why' phase and is constantly asking explanations of things he sees around him.. such as 'why is that house being build there?' (what can I say?!) to 'why does the apple have pits' (that one is fairly easy) or 'why does it make loud noises when it rains?' (that was very easy). I guess I'll have to refresh my 'general knowledge' about things to be able to have answers for him!

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