Friday, July 06, 2012

Josefine !

Although Josefine is officially in the "terrible twos", she has been so much fun! She has a vast vocabulary and talks a lot. I adore watching her play and invent situations (like she is the mommy of her dolls, who did not behave and need to go to the naughty step or she has to put them to sleep and sings them songs, etc) She knows how to challenge and test her limits, however I noticed she is starting the understand the consequences to certain behaviors and avoids them. A couple of weeks ago she did not go to a baby shower with me (although she was very excited to go) because she had not listened to me earlier in the day. She understands that she needs to eat her vegetables (some she really doesn't like but some she never tried!) to get dessert. She has a very fun personality and loves to jump (she has been so excited to be able to get off the floor when she jumps).  She continues not having much interest in TV but does like to look at pictures on my iPhone or computer. She also loves reading books (huge influence from Kaio!) and she also likes to "read" them to us or her dolls.

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