Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Dave Matthews..."

Bathing has become a fun adventure, as Josefine does a lot of splashing and Kaio loves to play for hours in the shower! But we all love it and is a great bed time routine! Since Kaio loves music I suggested we listen to some music and make it a dance shower.... while setting up itunes on the laptop I offered:
"Let's listen to Fruity Tunes"? (the music class we used to go to in the UK and which he loves)
and my little boy, very spontaneously said:
"Eu gosto de Fruity Tunes... mas eu quero Dave Matthews... eu gosto de Dave Matthews, papai tambem gosta de Dave Matthews. Dave Matthews e' legal!!! Tu tambem gosta?"
(I like Fruity Tunes.. but I would like Dave Matthews... I like Dave Matthews, daddy also likes Dave Matthews. Dave Matthews is cool!! Do you also like him?)
I almost cried!! SO CUTE! When the first song started playing he said:
"Eu j'a vi Dave Matthews, ne mamae?!"
It seems that the concert we went to in Colorado is clearly engraved in his memory... in ours it certainly is!!!!

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