Monday, March 28, 2011


A couple of weeks ago we Baptized both Kaio and Josefine.
I have always wanted to baptize them, but we had been delaying it for a while since we couldn´t decide on the godparents. While in Chile we finally had time to reflect and see who is important in our kids lifes and make a decision. And here they are:


Ward & Liesbet
Herman & Anita


Karolien & Peter
Stephen & Fanny

Unfortunately we were not able to have everyone present on this special day in their lives, but we certainly had a great day.
We had a nice barbeque (by Opa) after that we had a photo session (with a professional photographer) to take family and inidividual pics. Then we went to the church and had the baptism ceremony.
We finished this great day with a nice cake and champagne!
It was a great day and it was very good to have so many family members present. Unfortunately Grandma and Grandpa couldn´t make it.

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