Thursday, July 24, 2008

Little teeth!

Both Kaio and I have recovered from last week's cold! We are both sleeping much better. (and, consequently, Jason too!)
Kaio has started to get into the habit of biting, and since he has 4 teeth, it really hurts and leaves a nice mark. He is smart enough not to bite himself but tries to get my fingers in his mouth. I have to really force myself not to laugh (since it is darn cute!) but he is starting to get the fact that when we laugh he does 'good' things and repeats them!
He is starting to have 'separation anxiety' when we drop him off at daycare. When we get to daycare he is all happy and smiles at everyone, but once I sit him down and leave the room he bursts into a cry. Most of the time he stops after a couple of seconds and is easily distracted by a toy. He continues to react very adorable when I go and pick him up at the end of the day: He sees me, opens a big smile and start crawling in my direction. Once I pick him up, he hugs and kisses me. (with his mouth open - so I get all slobbered on! I love it though!)

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