Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I went to weigh Kaio again. Three weeks ago he had dropped from being in the 50th percentile to being a bit below the 25th percentile. He weighed in at 7.25kgs (=16lbs) which is still a bit below the 25th percentile. I am a bit concerned since he started so well and now seems to be putting on less weight. However the health advisor and the Dr. said not to worry. He is adjusting to his solids, he is a happy and smiley boy (and he does smile a lot every time we get him naked to weigh in front of the health advisor) so there is nothing to worry about and just see how he progresses with time. He seems less interested in the bottle and very interested in solids so they have advised to mix a bit of the milk with his food. I have started giving him some vitamins to make sure he gets all the necessary 'stuff' he needs to thrive!
Kaio is such a happy baby! He smiles and giggles to everyone and seems to be mostly in a great mood. His teeth (no, no appearance yet) have been bugging him (= lot's of drool, restless sleep, painful and sudden cries, etc), but, luckily it is not the entire time and it seems to bug him more during the afternoon and at night!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we are going to Belgium. Kaio and I are taking the Eurostar and Jason will be coming on Saturday. Oma has been in Belgium for the past 2 weeks. My grandma was briefly hospitalized and Oma is taking care of her. We are also going because it is my aunt Marieke's 60th birthday on Friday. it will be nice for him to meet my family and friends in Belgium.

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