Sunday, February 15, 2009


Kaio has been enjoying the 'peek-a-boo' game. He puts one hand over each of his eyes, leaves them there for anything between 2 to 30 secs! And then he uncovers his eyes with a huge smile. He also loves to cover our eyes with his hands.
Yesterday we were having lunch in a restaurant. After he had finished his meal, he was ready to go outside and play. I kept telling him that it was too cold to go outside. So, smart little guy, grabbed his jacket and gave it to me to put it on him so he could go and run outside.
He sometimes 'hits/smacks' us unintentionally, however, we make it clear that it is not acceptable. ("Kaio needs to be gentle") Yesterday he hit me while in the midst of very exciting playing. I looked at him upset and instantly he hugged me - his way of apologizing!
He has been sweet to Vinny, he goes to him and shows him toys or gets close to him and smiles and 'babbles'. Kaio is getting much better in repeating syllables. When we say 'boat' he says 'boa', 'toy' is 'to', 'doggy' is 'do', etc
Jason has been playing guitar for Kaio and both love it! Kaio starts dancing (without being told to do so, he automatically started dancing) Kaio loves when we dance with him to any song but he also does a great job in dancing alone.
Monday he is officially moving to the Toddler 1 room at daycare. He is more then ready to do more 'grown up' activities and be with the bigger kids. He has gone through a growth spurt the last weeks. We can notice it on his cloths!

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