Monday, July 09, 2007


I read some where that the third trimester is when the baby deposits a lot of calcium in their bones. So I have started drinking more milk and eating calcium rich food. I normally have enough of milk and fruit, but I decide to increase it even more by adding cottage cheese and dark leaved vegetables. I also normally eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but I have been, since we decide to try to get pregnant, taking antenatal vitamins. the baby is also developing it's brain these coming weeks, so I should increase my omega-3 fatty acids by eating more fish and including flax seeds to my diet. I make this funky breakfast 'bake' which we call 'grumpy flapjacks'. I never follow a recipe, I just add whole wheat flour, wheat, bran, flax seeds, other seeds, raisins, dried apricots, muesli, milk, etc.. (no sugar or fats) and it turns out a bit different every time I make it. But it is great to increase my fiber intake and it is healthy!
I am still on track with my weight gain and have gained a total of 8kg (17.5lbs) however I have heard that the last months are when the weight gain increases... we'll see... so far I have been trying to 'be good' but I enjoy my treats. Like the carrot cake and Dulce de leite ice cream Jason brought home the other day or my peanut M&M's...

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