Monday, July 23, 2007

I got the Ipod!

When we decided not to tell anyone the gender of our baby, I needed and extra motivation to keep the secret. So, we decided that Jason would give me a new ipod if I kept the secret! Jason went to the US for business and brought back a cute new ipod for me. We still have 2 months to go, but I am going to keep it a surprise for everyone.
He also brought back some other items I had ordered online. Including a diaper bag, baby bjorn (to carry the baby), some cd's for the baby, some cloths, a diaper storage unit and some toys. Everything was perfect!!!
Today our changing table arrived and I couldn't wait for Jason to get home and I put it together myself! The nursery is really taking shape!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abobada!!! A mãe podia ter comprado um MUITO melhor!!! Tu é difícil de se corromper...aghhh... confessa, é que o jason pode te dar coisas que nem eu e nem a mãe podemos né... e nem fala só no lado sexsual!! ele é que vai estar lá as 3 horas da manhã quando o baby começar a chorar..aí tu só vai virar, beijá-lo no rosto e dizer" eu não contei o sexo do baby, vai tu lá.."

eu conheço essa minha irmã! ¬¬