Wednesday, July 04, 2007


We have started receiving presents that are on our registry. It is so much fun to receive gifts and start getting everything ready for the baby!
We received a:
- High chair - which we'll probably not until the baby is 6 months. - THANK YOU Grandma Anita and Grandpa Steve
- Bottle sterilizer - some people say this is not really necessary, since boiling the bottles and teats is much easier. I plan to breasfeed until 5 -6 months, however we are planning to have Jason give a bottle at night. This is supposed to help dad and baby bond and also allows me longer periods of interrupted sleep ;) - THANK YOU Grandma Anita and Grandpa Steve
- Mobile Gym - this is for the baby to lay down on (belly or on it's back) and play with tangeling toys and plays music, to keep the baby busy. I heard it is great to entertain the baby. - THANK YOU Kelly
We still need several crucial items before the baby arrives (some can come afterwards), but I feel organized and on track.
This weekend we hope to narrow down our options on the pram. (we have been narrowing it down by looking up online and in magazines) We will be receiving the pram from my parents (THANK YOU Oma Fanny and Opa Herman!). There are so many options (3 wheelers, 4 wheelers, travel systems, etc). We need a sturdy pram (since we will be mainly using public transport) but we also need one that can be used from birth (facing us) and that can be converted into a 'toddler' pram (facing forwards)
This weekend we are also going to buy a dryer (my birthday present from my parents - again, THANK YOU MOM & DAD). Here in the UK dryers are not very common and people just use racks to hang their cloths next to the radiator.... Which is what we have done for the last 1 1/2yrs, however a dryer will be very useful for when the baby arrives and our laundry load will increase significantly.

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