Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The baby has been kicking much more! Several times thourghout the day and night!
Today I woke up not feeling that well. It was a mixture of nausea and tiredness! Tonight I am feeling better. It may just be all the changes my body is going through + travelling + jetlag, etc, I also need to admit that I miss my family and friends in Brazil!!!! :-(
We are packing again (I haven't even unpakced the luggage with all the baby stuff!!), we are off to Stockholm for 4 days. Jason is going to run a marathon! I am so proud of him. his goal was to run a marathon before turning 30 and he will!
Hopefully next weekend we will have time to go to Ikea and get the crib and changing table sorted! I am excited to start working on the nursery and get everything ready for our little one!

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