Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Time to tell....

Today I told several of my friends I was pregnant! They all are very happy for us. Vanessa, my friend in Brazil is also due at the end of September... such a coincidence! I wish I could be closer to her to share this special moment in our lives!
Yesterday I got a letter from the midwives, saying I have an appointment this saturday (march 10th) at 10am. We are going to Berlin, at 8am this saturday. (to see a Dave Matthews concert, we have seen one show each year since we met at one) So, I called to reschedule.
They look into the calendar and said:
"Whatt about April 27th?"
I said:
"APRIL? I will be 19weeks (almost 5 months) by then and not have had one appointment with a midwife!"
And they say:
" We are completely booked and it is your fault you can't make the appointment this saturday!"
So I said:
"So that is it? I will be 19weeks pregnant, with no medical assistance and just pray and hope everything will be fine until then..."
Then they say:
"oh hold on......" (wait for 1 min) "let me see.. what about march 24th?"
I say:
So good news, we will have our scan on March 15th (next thursday) and then have an appointment with the midwife on the 24th!

I also went to register with our local GP today. I was seen by a nurse. She just did a urinalysis, blood pressure, height, weight and asked bunch of questions. She asked some bizarre questions, like - do you smoke or drink alcohol, and how much - I never smoked (regularly) and I had stopped drinking alcohol since I discovered I was pregnant - she looked surprised!!!
Everything else was fine, I continue being the glorious 1,64cm high and weighing 8 1/2 stones (yes, they do stones.. no idea what that is in kg or lbs) She told me to drink more water, since the urine was concentrated - they clearly want me to go to the bathroom 30 times a day!
Tomorrow I am going to Crufts until friday... I will probably not be able to update the diaries until next wednesday when we return from Berlin.

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