Thursday, November 08, 2007


Today I was looking at Kaio sleep and had a melancholic thought! On one side I want him to grow fast. So I can see him discover his hands for the first time, take his first steps, run, say 'mommy' for the first time, etc. On the other hand, I am loving this tiny little baby and want to keep this moment forever!!! When I look at the pictures taken right after he was born - he has gotten so big already. It seems he grows by the day, which is great, but also sad to know he will never again be this small little guy that I can carry with one arm!
He seems to be looking at me more. And it seems to sooth him when he is in his pram and about to cry. I also have noticed that when I smile he has started to smile back some times!! It's adorable!
Today we went to Jason's office to have lunch with him and to show Kaio to his coworkers. He was very well behaved and only started to cry when we were leaving the building! Such a good boy!
Yesterday afternoon I met up with some of the girls I did my ante-natal class with (we have been meeting up every week). It is so nice to see all the little babies growing up. We all met when we had huge bellies and now have all these babies. There is one girl that shares the same birthday as Kaio. It is great to share stories and schedule different activities together! (in two weeks we are going to attempt to go to the 'big scream' - which is a movie theater that allows babies once a week. Should be interesting! You go, expecting to watch little of the movie, but your baby is also allowed to cry without people judging you!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Como ele é adorável!!! Noosssa, é muito legal que tu tens escrito bastante! Pq é doloroso ficar longe de vocês, não participar tanto da vida desse pequenininho menino! Noossa, lindas fotos, lindas histórias e como vcs estão se tornando uma família MARAVILHOSA e completa! A anne, como estou feliz por ti! Como eu quero ir para aí e cuidar de vcs dois! Vou acordar COM PRAZER todas as madrugadas para trocar a fralda do kaio. Te amo, amo vcs!